
Apnea in the NFL

With the 2013 NFL draft finally at a close, Redskin fans worldwide can take solace in that the new brain trust finally addressed the offensive line (which has been an issue for years).  Welcome  to D.C. Trent Williams, Erik Cook, and Selvish Capers!
“But this is a sleep blog, why are you talking sports?” some may ask.
Well upon entering the sleep industry and learning about the disastrous effects of sleep apnea, I’ve always had a theory that the porous Redskins offensive line could greatly benefit from having a sleep study done.  Note that the average weight of an NFL lineman hovers in the 300 lbs. range, and that most persons in that weight category suffer from apnea (in this case, Trent Williams – 315lbs, Erik Cook – 318lbs, Selvish Capers – 308lbs).  In 2007, an MSNBC article pointed out that a staggering 75% of NFL linemen suffer from Obstructive Sleep Apnea!

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